The Tower



Broken Pride


Upheaval Disaster Broken Pride Chaos

EssenceDetail • MapGemstoneReverseRider Waite


The Tower card represents a moment of intense upheaval and change that can deeply affect one's life. When this card appears in your reading, it's indicating a sudden and unexpected event that may feel like it's shaking the very core of your existence. It's natural to experience discomfort and chaos during such times. However, remember that the Tower's purpose is to act as a catalyst for your personal growth and transformation. It forces you to let go of old, limiting beliefs and structures, clearing the way for a more authentic and robust life path. Embrace the challenges it brings, for in the midst of disruption, you'll find opportunities for profound progress and enlightenment.

Yes • No • Maybe

Minor Arcana • Major Arcana

  • Seven

    Number seven represents introspection, spirituality, and inner growth. It symbolizes a phase of deep contemplation and seeking profound truths. This number encourages spiritual development and the exploration of inner wisdom. Under its influence, individuals embark on journeys of self-discovery, delving into their innermost thoughts and emotions to gain greater insights into their life's purpose and connection to the universe.

  • Lightning Strike

    The sudden energy released by the lightning strike can be seen as a metaphor for the release of pent-up emotions, thoughts, or energies that have been held back. This release can be both cathartic and necessary for personal development.

  • Chaos Star

    The eight arms of the Chaos Star can be seen as a representation of balance and harmony in the midst of chaos. It suggests that by embracing and working with chaos, one can find equilibrium and personal power.

  • Fire

    Fire represents the spark of creativity, ambition, and the desire to take action. It is linked to personal drive, enthusiasm, and the pursuit of one's goals and desires. Fire is also symbolic of change, as it can both create and destroy, making it a potent force of transformation and renewal.

  • Mars

    Energy, action, passion, and assertiveness. The drive to take initiative, pursue desires, and face challenges with courage and determination. Mars can also symbolize conflicts, competition, and the need for physical activity.

  • Phoenix

    Resurrection and growth from adversity. The ability to rise anew from the ashes of past challenges or setbacks. The phoenix is a powerful symbol of transformation and renewal, representing the idea that even in the face of destruction, new life and opportunities can emerge.

EssenceDetail • MapGemstoneReverseRider Waite

Major Arcana Map

The Tree of Life: A Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Tower card is placed on the Tree of Life between Hod and Netzach.

Hod, associated with intellect and analysis, represents the structured and rational aspects of the mind, while Netzach, representing emotions and desires, embodies the more intuitive and creative elements of human nature. The Tower card disrupts this balance, symbolizing sudden upheaval, destruction, and revelation. Its placement between Hod and Netzach serves as a reminder that profound change and insight can emerge when the intellect and emotions collide or when established structures are challenged, ultimately leading to transformative growth and understanding.

EssenceDetail • MapGemstoneReverseRider Waite


Black Tournaline

Black Tourmaline is a grounding and protective crystal that is believed to help connect the body to the Earth's energy, providing a sense of stability and balance. Black Tourmaline is thought to cleanse the aura and energy field of any negative energy, enhance focus and mental clarity, and have healing properties that can help alleviate physical and emotional pain.

EssenceDetailMapGemstoneReverseRider Waite

The Tower


Disaster Avoided

Fear of Suffering

Delaying Disaster

Disaster Avoided Fear of Suffering Delaying Disaster



The tower struck by lightning represents sudden upheaval and the breakdown of existing structures. The people falling symbolize the consequences of ignoring truths.